Your purchase
made greener.
Have you ever thought about how phones, tablets and computers affect our climate? We have and we want to make a difference!
In collaboration with One Tree Planted, we’re here to help you make your climate and social impact when buying hardware smarter, better, and greener. For every device bought, we make sure a tree is planted. It’s as simple as that.

Look for the One Device One Tree logo when you purchase new devices.

The ecosystem
You’ve probably heard that harmful pollutants, like nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide, affect our global climate, but what can we do about it? The answer is simple: Plant more trees.
Trees help absorb pollutants and release fresh oxygen for us to breathe. But that’s not all. Trees also help to capture rainwater which deters natural disasters like flooding and they fulfil the role as homes, resting spots and shelter for plants, insects and animals.
The lives of people
Trees provide more than just environmental benefits, they improve everyday lives. Our partners are working with farmers around the world, in fire affected areas. Here the trees planted make it possible for farmers to attain sustainable food and income by growing fruit, nuts and medicine. Planting trees in this area is beneficial as it will reduce erosion and help restore the health of the soil.
You can be certain your trees will last for a very long time - while improving both the climate and the lives of many people. Your tree makes a difference!

A full-grown tree captures an average of 22 kg of CO2 yearly. The carbon footprint of a common smartphone is 87 kg. This means the tree will successively compensate for the device throughout its lifetime. Smart!